Materiels :
- 25 mm vintage button
- 1g 112 seed beads, grag matte metallic.
- 210 x 8mm cabochons, viverstone- 1g 142 seed beads, bronze
- 4 4mm freshater pearls
- Belt buckle ( tandg leather compang)
Preparing the suede

- Start your project by selecting a buckle and suede to complement the button (a). make sure the button fits within the parameters of the buckle.
- Measure the buckle and cut the suede to the exact size of the buckle (b). Glue the button to the center of the suede with E-6000 and let dry for 20 minutes (c) .
- Single thread a needle with 2 yd. (1.8m) of beading thread and tie a knot at one end. Bring the needle up from the underside of the ultrasuede ( about a bead’s width from the side of the button). Pull the thread until the knot is tight against the back of the
- Design from the center out : start the beadwork by backstitching a round of 112 gray beads around your cabochon (d).
- Work backstitch 2 all the way around the button and weave the needle to the back of the suede. Pass the needle up from under the suede about a bead’s-width away from the first round . If there is room, you can backstitch another round as shown (e).
- Glue the two10x8mm cabochons to the suede with E-6000. Flush against the second round of backstitching. You may want to use a ruler to make sure the cabs are centered on the sides of the button (f).
- Backstitch a round of the gray 11°s around the small cabochons (g).
- Backstich a single round of bronze 14°s around the cabs and the button (h).
- Add freshwater pearls ( treating them as you would a bugle bead) stitching lengthwise to the inner corners of the cab and the button(i).
- This is the easiest finishing ever done ! Roll a thin layer of E-6000 on the back of the beadwork (j) and press the beadwork into the belt buckle. Let dry . wear your buckle with your favorite pair of jeans !.
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