Long distance glider

TYPES OF PAPER TO USE1- Use a sheet of A4 or foolscap paper. Remember, when making any dart, creasefold the paper in half first. Foldthe top corners down.
For this the aircraft you can use quarto (or A4, 210 x 297 mm) or foolscap paper.
Make sure you use thin but strong paper. Never use anything like newspaper, which is not strongly bonded and therefore cannot hold a fold. If the pape ris too heavy, it might inhibit the more complicated.

5- Fold the wings down to meet the bottom edge of the fuselage.

- Throw with gentle force at approximately 30 to 40 degrees in an upward direction.
Because of its length, this dart should prove accurate in meeting its target.
- If you’re sitting way at the back of a lecture theatre or cinema, this dar twill help you to « get your message across »
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